With over 30 years of engineering and manufacturing experience, BI Pure Water designs, engineers, and manufactures modular and skid-mounted water and wastewater treatment plants and BI Pure Water’s treatment plants have helped many communities in Canada with their water treatment needs of any sort. BI Pure Water also has extensive experience with industrial client namely mining, oil and gas, shipyards, and agriculture to name a few. These are the areas BI Pure Water has expertise in and the technologies used.
- Municipalities (Clean Potable Water, Sewage and Landfill Leachate Treatment, Grey Water Treatment for Reuse, etc.)
- Agriculture
- Pesticides Manufacturing
- Textile Manufacturing & Dyeing
- Mining & Extractive
- Metal Smelting and Refining, including Furnaces and Forges, Electroplating, Galvanising and Anodising
- Oil & Gas including Oil Refining, Petrochemicals Production, Frac & Produced Water, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), Spent Caustic Treatment, etc.
- Marine / Offshore / Dockyard / Ship Repair
- Food & Beverage
- Pharmaceutical Industries, including Cosmetics and Toiletries
- Chemical Manufacturing
- Rubber Products and Processing
- Paint, Varnishes, and Ink Manufacturing
- Slaughter Houses
- Tanning and Leatherworks
- Hotels & Resorts
- Labour Camps
- Pulp & Paper
- Commercial Laundry Facilities
- Other Industries that use high volumes of clean water and generate same amount of wastewaters
At BI Pure Water, out company manufactures many different water & wastewater treatment plants based on the level of treatment required. The treatment of wastewaters are for the purpose of reuse / recycle, or safe disposal to the receiving environments, and include, but not limited to the following:
- Domestic decentralized sewage treatment plants for villages and smaller communities that do not have connections to the sewer lines. This wastewater can be treated to very high purity level with UNLIMITED ACCESS to be used for irrigation, or general reuse applications, as well as safe disposal to the lakes, or rivers,
- Treatment of water in the lakes, river, wells for potable use deploying membrane filtration systems (for example, Ultra Filtration (UF) membrane systems, Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems, Multimedia (Sand) Filtration systems, etc.),
- Oily water separators, Corrugated Plate Interceptor (CPI), and Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) / Induced Gas Flotation (IGF) systems for separation of floatable colloidal and suspended solids (coupled with chemical coagulation / flocculation systems),
- Produced Water Treatment resulted from extraction of oil / gas for oil & gas operators,
- Advanced Oxidation for removal of refractory organic pollutants that may not be biodegradable,
- Seawater Desalination Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems to separate salt / minerals from seawater and make it potable. This can also be used to generate fresh water for domestic and industrial applications,
- Nutrient Recovery / Reuse from Dairy Farm Wastes
- Ozonation systems for the purpose of disinfection or elimination of organics / odour from drinking water,
- Ultraviolet (UV) systems for disinfection of treated water for pathogens, etc.
- Water Softeners for residential & commercial applications to remove the scaling agents,
- Nanofiltration membrane systems for removal of heavy metals both for domestic and industrial applications,
- Green Sand Filtration systems for removing Iron & Manganese from well waters, etc.,
- Chlorinators for the purpose of disinfection of treated water and wastewaters,
- Ceramic Membrane systems for removing turbidity and recycling of wastewaters with lower contamination levels, like laundry wastewater treatment for reuse as clean laundry water,
- Chemical Coagulation / Flocculation / Settling systems for removal of suspended and settleable solids from water,
- Electrocoagulation system to remove organics and heavy metals from wastewaters.
- Sludge De-Watering