USA and Canada Sales Agents are invited to apply to represent BI Pure Water in your territory.
Regional and/or State/Provincial coverage will be considered – We have had success with sales agency selling in North and West Canada and look to expand in The US Northwest, Central and Southern regions and Eastern Canada, other areas will be considered.
We are looking for – Well established sales agency with contacts and relationships in engineering, municipal, mining, and industrial markets. Partners will ideally have some technician resources for local service and maintenance opportunities.
Who we are – BI Pure Water is based in beautiful British Columbia, Canada, we have over 25 years success in designing and building water and wastewater treatment plants. Systems are fully assembled in our self contained plant and shipped to site for easy, plug and play installation. View some of our previous work at https://www.bipurewater. com/case-study-download/
For more information contact Jonathan at ——- info@bipurewater.com